こは折角の機会です。いちど料理にチャレンジしてみては? 図書館には、レシピ本から学術書まで料理関係の本がけっこう幅広く揃っているんですよ。だから、ぜひ。本特集では、みなさんのモチベーションを上げるべく、兵教大の料理好きたちに集まってもらい、自慢の料理を披露していただきました。
New students, your new life has finally begun. There must be many people who leave their parents and live alone for the first time. What I'm worried about is the food. It's a time when you can easily get delicious things at convenience stores and supermarkets, but this is a great opportunity. Why not try cooking once? "The library has a wide range of cooking-related books, from recipe books to academic books." So please. In this special feature, in order to motivate everyone, we asked cooking enthusiasts from Military Academy to gather and show off their proud dishes.